Saturday, 14 May 2011

Fromm #2

An Sigmund Freud scheiden sich die Geister. Da wird häufig pauschalisiert und flach getreten. Fromm schafft es allerdings, einem (und tatsächlich nur einem) der Grundzüge von Freuds Ansichten mit drei Sätzen den Wind aus den Segeln zu nehmen.

'According to Freud, the full and uninhibited satisfaction of all instinctual desires would create mental health and happiness. But the obvious clinical facts demonstrate that men - and women - who devote their lives to unresticted sexual satisfaction do not attain happiness, and very often suffer from severe neurotic conflicts or symptoms. The complete satisfaction of all instictual needs is not only not a basis for happiness, it does not even guarantee sanity.'

(The Art of Loving, S. 85)

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